Customer Review - Tara Livesay

We created a family yearbook recently for the wonderful Tara Livesay - an amazing woman originally from MN, she now works as a midwife in Haiti. After placing her order, Tara wanted to be hands off for the rest of the design process - she connected her Instagram account and then told us to go for it. :)

Her album uses the Ombre Watercolor design with a linen cover in "summer breeze". Below is what she shared about her album recently on Instagram.

Check out her feed (@taralivesay) and the incredible Heartline Maternity Center where she works to bring healthy babies (and mamas) into the world.

My First born kid - she happened in 1990. Back then, and until 2005, I printed all my photos and a few ended up in an album - but most are in unorganized stacks (and stacks) of chaos in storage. 

2006 - We moved to Haiti and switched to digital photos - now we almost never print a photo on paper. To look at those memories we pull out hard drives. 

I dislike both those options, which is why I want to share Shortcake with you all. 

They took my 2015 photos from my Instagram feed and made me a beautiful album. The kids have loved pouring over the photos with captions and dates. 

If you want, they can pull your photos from other photo storage sites as well. 

#memories #organization